Eco-design and make accessible an innovative prevegetalised roof system offering an ecological and sustainable solution that promotes collective well-being.
To be an eco-designing manufacturer offering a quality label, recognized for its innovative technology, its quality and its irreproachable ecological footprint.
The desire that motivates us to push the limits to develop the immense potential of green roofs.
The perspective that guides our relationship with development and the impact of our actions on the community and the environment.
The foundation of solid confidence in affirmation
of our values, in our business relationships and in the treatment of our employees.
Ohasis Tech™ is the culmination of 15 years of experience in the Québec green roof industry .
This experience highlighted two glaring problems in the industry that the company was founded to rectify:
First, green roofs weren't as green as they claimed to be.
Indeed, many of their components are imported and manufactured from virgin materials. Transporting a membrane or module by boat between Europe and Canada leaves an indelible and avoidable mark on the environment and manufacturing it from virgin materials leaves another.
It is in order to rectify this situation that Ohasis Tech™ turned to ecodesign. Ecodesign consists of designing a product while minimizing the environmental impact of its manufacture, use and end of life. This is why Ohasis Tech™ products are the first to be manufactured entirely in Quebec to reduce the environmental cost of transport and from recycled and recyclable materials from the local circular economy to reduce the ecological impact of its manufacture.
Second, green roofs were difficult to purchase. In fact, green roofs are generally sold by roof waterproofing membrane manufacturers. Therefore, if their membranes are not included in the project, they do not provide access to their green roof technology.
This supply control is restrictive for green roofs and limits the quantity of projects. Ohasis Tech™ wants to make green roofs accessible and take the product out of the power games of membrane manufacturers to install more green roofs.
It is known that green roofs make a real difference in several urban development issues, particularly in terms of precipitation management and heat islands. It is also known that they have a host of benefits on the well-being of citizens of large metropolitan cities.
We believe there is a real possibility that green roofs will be a milestone in the history of sustainable urban development and we are pleased to be able to involve Quebec in this global transition.
Looking forward to collaborating on your next project,
The Ohasis Tech Team